Sandi, the Fossil Journey Cruiser:
a Boulder Sandstorm at Every Fork in the Road

Miller Rock trail run with the Colorado FJs (20080615)

There was a guy painting on the side of the road as we pulled out from the airing up stop.
I kinda wonder if he decided to put a caravan of FJs in his picture, but I doubt it
(I didn't even see him lift his head when we drove past).

Great views ahead and behind.

Athena/Bill and Khal leading the way.

Oh ya.


Bill lead us up to a great lookout spot.

I was just checking out some of the filters and thought this one looked kinda neat (sorta like a scene from Vulcan or something).

Hey BLUE THUNDER (aka, Joe and Lori),
I still say those mountains look more like the Grand Tetons than the Colorado ones, but oh well - Beautiful either way. :)

Sorry that I didn't really capture many other FJs at this spot, but this view is a bit hard to resist.
This one may become the new main photo for the front page of Sandi's website. We'll see.

That little peak in the distance is Estes Cone in Rocky Mountain National Park.
Many of us were discussing our memories of climbing it at some point in the past.

Yep...this is the good life.

Here's Sandi standing watch over the troops as well as the valley below.

That's Rocky Mountain National Park's 'Twin Sisters' on the left.

Bill & Athena leading us back down (love the rear lights).

Great people and great vehicles in great places...

...what a fine day in the mountains.
...and what a better way to cap it off than sitting down for a pint and some food at the local pub.

Well, (other than adding the videos) that's it for this run.
Stay tuned for more adventures with Sandi and her new found friends ...oh, and ours as well ;)


What do you |~_~|


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